Refund Policy: is a listing website for real estate. We strive to provide our customers with the best possible service and accurate information about the properties listed on our website. However, due to the nature of our business, we have a no refund policy. Once a customer has purchased a listing package or a feature, no refunds will be given.

We understand that there may be circumstances beyond your control that may require you to cancel your listing or feature purchase. However, we cannot issue a refund for any reason, including but not limited to the following:

  • You have changed your mind about the purchase.

  • You have mistakenly purchased the wrong listing package or feature.

  • You have decided not to list your property on our website after purchasing a listing package.

  • You are not satisfied with the quality or quantity of leads generated by our website.

We strongly recommend that you carefully review your purchase before submitting payment to ensure that you are selecting the appropriate listing package or feature for your needs. 

If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy, please contact us at

Thank you for choosing for your real estate listing needs.